Can a folded pocket of goodness bring out the hidden recognition in your team?
Recently we took a good hard look at how we do praise and recognition at the Crowd. We explored solutions that we’d seen done before - callouts at the monthly meeting or prizes for people who demonstrated our company values - but none of them quite felt right.
When we thought about it we came up with two things that mattered most for recognition:
Using our existing tools Slack and Zapier (a workflow automation thingy), we decided to create Taco Bot. It’s a really simple concept, if someone does something and you want to call it out you just do a slack post and include their name and a 🌮 emoji. Taco Bot then joins the celebration with a taco gif and records the praise.
Why the heck not? They’re a portable parcel of pleasure just like a well-timed compliment. The uptake has been immediate and surprised even me (turns out there was a lot of pent-up praise in the Crowd).
There isn’t a minimum entry to praise, there are no prizes and you don’t have to submit your praise to management to see if it cuts the mustard.
If you're wondering if you should have a Taco Bot, I would say absolutely. It surfaces all those helping behaviours already happening. And by acknowledging someone has helped you, it gives you both a little kick of joy.
Lee Booy is our Crowd tech wizard and our wonderful COO. To learn more about the team you can do some guilt-free permission-granted stalking right here.